Grammar Resources

Using the grammar resources throughout school gave us our highest ever SPAG score!

B. Fyrth, HT: Thomlinson Junior School, Cumbria

A1a. Grammar Criteria System

AIM: To ensure consistent recording, reporting and tracking of pupil progress in grammar across the whole school.

We have organised the National Curriculum PoS for grammar into clear assessment criteria for every year group (stage) across the school. We consistently track pupil progress against the relevant criteria for individual, groups and classes.

It provides a ‘one sheet to view’ overview of pupil/group/class performance across all areas which informs teaching, targets and interventions.

Year 2 Grammar Criteria Sample

assessment criteria grammar

A1b. Whole School Assessment System

AIM: To ensure that ALL criteria from ALL stages are regularly, consistently, accurately and efficiently assessed.

We felt the children were very well prepared for SPaG. There’s no question it has had a major positive impact for us.

R. Peacock, HT: Moresby School, Moresby

Stage 2 Test Sample

We started the AM Grammar in Years 1-6 and were delighted with the speed of the improvement in our end of year results in all year groups. Thank you for the significant part we believe Assertive Mentoring has played in this.

A. Evans, HT: Great and Little Shelford CE Primary, Cambridge

These specially designed assessments perfectly reflect the grammar criteria for each year group (Y1-Y6).

After one assessment the school will have an accurate snap shot of how every child is performing against all age-related expectations!

Coupled with the tracking system, the assessments are so efficient for data gathering and so effective at informing planning, targets, practise and organisation; that schools complete them every term.

These regular ‘snap-shots’ soon build into clear picture of teacher/pupil performance, effectiveness of interventions and more.

A1c. Weekly Basic Skills Practice (Grammar Hammer)

AIM: To ensure that the relevant skills and knowledge are embedded at every stage in order to secure good pupil progress in the termly assessments.

Truly amazing results. Using the weekly skills and focusing on the gaps meant we got our best grammar results ever. And this was with our very low achieving cohort!

P. Haylock, DHT: Poverest Pri, Kent

Stage 2 Check Sample

These provide regular coverage of the essential skills needed to ensure good pupil progress in grammar across the whole school. Pupils take the Weekly Basic Skills Check once a week using a positive ‘beat your own score’ approach. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

All questions are cross referenced to the relevant criteria and the termly assessments for each stage/year group.

The same knowledge and skills are ‘tested’ every week, in the same order at the same level of difficulty making gradual weekly progress inevitable as they become embedded over time.

All the answer sheets are complete with explanations and teaching points which quickly ‘up-skill’ staff.


Peter Boddy

Phone number
07810 125 494

Eamonn Farrar

Phone number
07951 391 388

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