Science Screens and PoS

C2a. Science Screens

The National Curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills to be taught in science in each year group. End-of-key-stage assessments assess science knowledge and skills across the entire key stage, when it is likely that some areas of the PoS have not been taught for several years (or not at all!). For example, an assessment in Y6 might test knowledge of flowering plants, which appears in the Y3 PoS. Inevitably, children will have forgotten aspects over time.

There are two end-of-key-stage Science Screens (C2:2). Their content is based on the Interim Assessment Framework and cover elements of the science PoS from across the whole of KS2. They provide a comprehensive, simple and efficient way to assess knowledge and skills retained across the key stage.

The science Screen’s Criteria is taken straight from the Programme of Study (PoS) for the National Curriculum across KS2. Each has 24 criteria from across KS2. The KS2 Criteria Screen (C2:1) shows which stage/year in the PoS each criteria is taken from. These, in turn, are cross referenced with the Assessment Criteria (C1:1) from the termly Science Assessments (C1:2) for each year group.

The KS2 Screens DO NOT replace the existing termly assessments in UKS2. However, they should prove invaluable in facilitating focused teaching to revisit and recap previous learning. They efficiently assess pupil performance against key objectives across the whole key stage.

It provides a ‘one sheet to view’ overview of a child’s performance across all areas. Children should be given up to one and a half hours to answer as many questions as possible in test conditions.

If a pupil gets the question completely right, put a cross (X) in the corresponding cell on the Screen Criteria Tracking Sheet (C2:1). If a pupil gets the question partially right, put a diagonal line (/) in the corresponding cell and a dot if wrong.

There is also a Criteria Class Record (C2:3) which provides a powerful diagnostic tool as areas of weakness are obvious. Teaching and support are fully informed allowing UKS2 teachers to revisit learning from previous years in a very efficient way. They also give an indication of ability groups to inform class organisation and differentiation and show the children requiring intervention and extension work.

The second screen can be completed as a summative assessment to provide evidence of pupil progress.

C2:b. Science Scheme of Work

An outline Scheme of Work (C2:4) is provided for each Stage (Year) Stages 1-6.

This SoW is designed to be taught in a spiral manner. Pupils are introduced to each topic 3 times throughout the year, once a term. Each term they will build on their previous knowledge to ensure continuity in a pupils’ learning.

Notice at the end of the SoW outline there are click-throughs to TES Resources – these are excellent teaching aids. They are also free for teachers to use providing you subscribe to the online TES (subscription is free)


Peter Boddy

Phone number
07810 125 494

Eamonn Farrar

Phone number
07951 391 388

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